Wednesday, May 26, 2010

"I love weed" and wooden bridges

Herman Baker Park is one of the few nice, blog-worthy places found in Sherman. On a good day, it is quiet and filled with armadillos rooting around in the trees, while children (and 20-somethings) sled down the hill on cardboard. However, on a bad day (which I usually miss), the rebellious teenagers run rampant through the trails, proclaiming their love for weed in the form of sidewalk chalk, and taking turns on the ever-treacherous tree swing (that has since been cut down, and resides in the lake).

I hadn't made the full 1.5 mile trip around the Pickens Lake until a recent trip with Isaac. To my excitement, we discovered a wooden bridge near the end of the trail. I have an odd affinity to wooden bridges. (And to parentheses, apparently.) Also, the name of the lake reminds me of the Sufjan Stevens song title: Oh God, where are you now? (In Pickeral Lake? Pigeon? Marquette? Mackinaw?)

All in all, a memorable day, and a little piece of Sherman that I might miss. Emphasis on 'might'.


  1. Who goes to the park with sidewalk chalk and weed and the intention of writing on some obscure part of the park how much they love weed? And not only that, but they wrote it all over the rocks by the pond/lake thing. What was their hope? "Oh god, I hope someone sees this and realizes how great weed is. Just based off of my personal experiences. Four twenty!"
